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MTHFR and Beyond: Genomic Assessment
Why Test Your Genome?
You have health issues that don’t respond as expected to treatment.
You are curious about MTHFR or other SNPs.
You want to explore your genetic risk factors so you can be proactive about prevention.
You want to find out what forms of exercise might be best for you, or if your genetics are wired for a low carb diet.
Getting your genome mapped can be a valuable piece of the health mystery puzzle, and can be a powerful tool for prevention.
The Challenge
There are lots of gene testing services available now. Some are Direct to Consumer and some are practitioner moderated. All these test services look similar on the surface but they are not interchangeable. They all cover different genes, and the information provided on reports varies wildly.
We have over 20,000 genes, with billions of possible variants. Some variants matter, some don’t, some only matter some of the time. Some SNPs are protective, some magnify the impact of others.
If you want genomic testing to explore specific health issues it can be extremely difficult to figure out which test to use or to put the results in perspective.

Stuff to know
There is a difference between a whole gene, a gene SNP and epi-genetics.
There are multiple copies of the same gene, and each one can have different variants.
Genetic risk factors are only once piece of disease development.
Treat the "state" not the SNP. It is never about just one gene.
Genomic assessment MUST be put in context of health history, family history, diet, lifestyle, exposures and symptoms.

What I Offer
I have been working with MTHFr related issues since 2009 and do my best to stay current with this rapidly evolving body of information. I review and explain genetic reports, and combined with your symptom picture can make specific suggestions for diet and supplementation to support the re-balancing of your body.
Over the years I have learned that it is not a good idea to "treat the gene" just because there is a mutation. Most genomic systems are much more dynamic than you would suspect, and the “mutations” shown on reports must be put in context to identify the best way to support them. Sometimes they don't need to be "treated" at all. Over-treating can be just as problematic as under-treating.
Because of this, a genomic interpretation is very complicated and requires a lot more time and focus than any other lab test I review.
My Process
Onboarding New Patient visit
I require a full "New Patient" visit to really understand a person's presentation BEFORE I look at their genomics. Genomics MUST be put in context of diet, chemical exposures, family history, current symptoms, and how someone feels NOW. If you are an established patient, you have already completed this step.
Test Selection
I can assist with selecting the best test panels, and ordering tests if necessary. If you already have a test, bring it to the first visit to make sure it contains the information you need.
Click HERE for a comprehensive review of the top 20+ testing services of 2024.
Click HERE to see the testing products I work with.
Select Review Depth
Reviewing a report and writing up my interpretation takes a minimum of an hour, and can take up to 4 hours for the longer reports, or more complex cases. We will discuss your needs and set a "research time" budget for me to work within.
Test Kit Processing
See instructions per test below.
Purchase Test, Collect Sample, Send to Lab
If test is Direct to Consumer, forward a copy to us
If test is Practitioner Moderated, we will contact you when results are in
Review and Plan Assembly
I will review your results and prepare a plan, completely unique to you, your current challenges and goals. This is much more specific than the (necessarily) generic advice produced by AI algorithms at the test companies. This will include all major SNPs on your report, what they do, how they interact with each other, and how they correlate to the themes in your health picture. I will also generate a list of diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations. When to use them and when you shouldn't.
Follow Up Visit to explain results and support plan
Explaining the report (and my interpretation) happens during a follow up visit, and often requires between 1-2 hours.
Click HERE to see price estimates for this process.

How do I know which test is right for me?
See a full review of Genetic testing available in 2024 HERE
After extensive review of the available products, I have found 6 products that offer test panels and reports that have clinical application. Some you can do yourself, some require an order from me. Instructions for using them are below.
Reminder, all of these tests do not cover the same genes, and they are not interchangeable. If you want to know about specific genes, or specific types of health issues, I strongly suggest you work with the practitioner who will interpret them to help you choose the right test.